Pastoral Support
We have a pastoral team who work together, alongside class teachers and support staff, to provide complimentary or additional support for children when it may be needed.
Our Pastoral Team
Mental health and wellbeing lead - Tracy West
Home School Link Worker - Sue Marsh
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) - Jenny Pullen
This team also works closely with the inclusion team in school.
Types of support we are able to offer
Parenting support
ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support
Young Carers
Access to Primary Mental Health leads – Mindworks
Signposting to a variety of support services
1:1 work
Small group work
Workshops for parents
Accessing charity funding and Foodbank services
Emotional regulation and support
We have three allocated spaces in school which aid the support of emotional regulation:
Infant site – The Hive
Junior site – The Den and the Burrow
We use these spaces for a variety of different types of support. These include ‘Morning support’ – helping with smooth transition in the morning into school, ‘Munch Bunch’ – for a quieter lunchtime space and ‘Timeout’- an accessible space during the day.